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A member registered Apr 13, 2020

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I assume that there is no way to run an if/then statements with variables, so I'm going to have to get creative with toggling requirements and duplicating choices

I wanted to avoid making buffer choices and to keep the number of normal choices more manageable. With the current way I've been doing things, which isn't too dissimilar to your method, the 26 choices in one row balloon to upper 80's-mid 90's of choices.

Most of it is from how the original concept of the CYOA was constructed, and some of it is because I can't find a more elegant solution. Never mind that the number of choices is tripled to account for whether it's sandbox or you using free choices or not.

Just having sub choices that are tethered to the choices without having to fuss with buffers would be nice, but if buffers are what I need, then buffers are what I'll use.

How do I put a choice on a choice, if that makes sense? Like having the choices that are dependent to a specific choice in line with a row without generating a new row.